Escents Comfrey Gel is naturally made from the leaves of the comfrey plant and a natural gel base.
Comfrey is known for its skin cell growth and tissue regeneration properties. It was once used by our ancestors to promote healing by wrapping the leaves of comfrey plant around broken bones. In herbology, a general rule is that “if anything is broken, use comfrey."
Comfrey (Symphytum officinale ), or common comfrey, has been known by many names, including boneset , knitbone, bruisewort, healing herb, consound, or knit back. This distinctive herb is a member of the Boraginaceae family.The common name comfrey is from the Latin confirmare meaning to join together. The herb is named after its traditional folk use to speed the healing of fractures , broken bones, bruises, and burns. The most concentrated alkaloid, allantoin, is mainly credited for comfrey's beneficial properties, such as:
Wound healing - the wound healing mechanism induced by allantoin can occur via the regulation of inflammatory response, because of its antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties, reducing scar formation as well.
Moisturizing Agent - while being used in a large range of products for sensitive skin, allantoin helps hydrate the skin, preventing dryness and irritation while having a calming effect on the skin.
Anti-aging - allantoin has the ability to help in the synthesis of collagen, and to promote the growth of new skin cells.
Today, comfrey is still considered an amazing herb, loaded with protein, vitamins, and minerals. The secret inside comfrey, allantoin is known for its most beneficial ability to perform skincare wonders. Another beneficial compound is Rosmarinic acid: has antioxidant effects and helps to protect the skin from UV damage.
Overall, comfrey is beneficial to all skin types, helping create a beautiful, younger looking skin, while reducing inflammation, hydrating, encouraging new tissue growth and creating a smoother, moisturized and improved texture of skin.
Skincare today can still be natural, with no harsh chemicals or additives. Nature provides, always.
|Precautions: Comfrey should not be used by pregnant or breast-feeding women.|
- by Laura Pop, production manager
MSc. Molecular Biotechnology